Show Car Tent Rental
Mopar Nationals offers a special Tent Display for those participants that want their car under a tent during the event. The cost is $200 for the weekend. This is an additional fee on top of the entry fee. The fee pays for a 10x20 space under the tent, with room for doors to open and provides for overnight security on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. If your interested, we must have your tent fee along with your entry received no later than July 1st. The tent(s) will be positioned on the Show side of the race track where the Judging and OE Certification takes place. There is no cancellation refunds after this date, sorry.
Golf Cart Rental
On-site golf cart rentals are available through PES. Reserve early as we always sell out. Golf carts will be limited in usage to operators of age 18 and over ONLY!!! They will also be limited in areas of access. Due to the high level of complaints we received, this will be strictly enforced. Click on the link for pricing and the link within the info sheet to reseve a cart. On-site, single day golf car rentals will be limited. Click here for Golf Cart Rental
If you plan to bring your own Golf Cart or Scooter; First of all you must be Handicapped and have a Handicap Permit or documentation of disability. A special permit and fee is required. You also will need to show accident insurance coverage on your cart/scooter. Permits are available at the Mopar Nationals Registration tent and the Gate A and Gate H entrances. Only drivers 18 and over allowed on motorized vehicles and this will be strictly enforced. To Pre-register for a permit, download the following ms-word file and send in payment along with proof of Handicap and insurance certificate. There is NO SPECTATOR entrance of Golf Carts/Scooters allowed unless you are HandiCapped and purchase a permit.
A Pole Tent requires an additional 7 ft. area on all sides for the stakes and guyeropes. Larger sizes are available in 20 ft. increments. NOTE: Due to the additional size requirements, these pole tents can only be used in the Manufacturer Mid-Way areas if the size of the rented space area is capable of encompassing the size of the tent, or for display tents approved in advance by Mopar Nationals. Side pricing is listed next to rental cost and there will be an extra $5 charge per 20ft side for putting them up. Save money - Do it yourself!
TABLES: 8 FT BANQUET $20/table
NOTE: Rental price is based on weekend length of the event. Setup on Thursday - tear down Sunday night. Additional time required will be charged by seven day rate. Add 15% sales tax/damage wavier to above price total.